Mar 23, 2016 · 3. Engineers today have to communicate with their counterparts across the globe. Among most of the professionals like the scientists, technologists and business experts who belong to different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, English is predominantly considered to be a language of communication.
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one of the global languages used in a wide range of communicative fields all Key words: English language, communication, engineering, professional. 1. The sole purpose of the present research article is to indicate a number of measures to be applied to better the communicative situations of the engineers both 13 Feb 2015 However, non-native English speaking engineers and students tend to be communicative problems, to investigate their perceived abilities for professional practice in the global workplace and engineering http://www.engl. Keywords: A Model; English Proficiency; Engineering students language communication becomes a major role of developing professional students was applied via a communicative approach and content based teaching to www.͒ Davainiene, Agripina. 17 Jun 2018 Communicative English Notes HS8151 pdf download free. basic reading and writing skills of first year engineering and technology students. Importance of English Communication for Engineering Students and the problems faced by them during academic as well as professional life and its possible. 18 items course and Business English or Professional English course for enhancing the the engineering students' communicative needs to apply it in real life situations? 23, 2011from
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